Meet The Owner

Hello, I am

Susie Russell-Smith

Owner of Cornerweighs for 28 years and counting.

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I really care that you have clicked on my site and made it to this point, welcome.

I strongly believe that what you habitually eat has a profound effect on your health.  Not just in the immediate future but years from now.  The older you get, the more important this statement becomes, since the body can lose its capacity to bounce back having constantly juggled demands, resources , lack of "food wealth" and sufficient rest.

Modern day living makes very real demands on old and young alike with stress right at the forefront, a silent killer in my view.  We all live at such a hectic pace we have become time-poor and need short cuts which we take from sleep and digestion.

Our recent history gave us labour-saving devices for the home, giving those who could afford them more leisure time to venture out of town and with the advent of the supermarkets in the 1970's, shopping became quick, under one roof and detached from how our food is produced and where it comes from.  Supermarkets taught us to shop on price with canny offers and seduced us with range and quantity, turning a fresh daily shop into a weekly/fortnightly or even monthly one.  Food became processed, often with additives, making it last longer and taste perceptively better but I believe to the detriment of nutritional content, wellbeing and longevity.

A case in point is the high-fructose corn syrup. It appears in many American processed foods and is also widely used in the UK.  If you like your history, search up Earl "Rusty" Butz, secretary of the USDA under Nixon in the early 70's. His agricultural policy to feed the world by manipulating stored mountains of over-produced corn and soy has resulted in cheap high-fructose corn syrup pervading our food production at the expense of more expensive sugar or just because the taste perception of the additive to that food was improved.  This kept the farmers and agribusiness companies happy who in turn voted to keep Nixon in office.  The additive was not in the food because it made it safer or better, it was there only to satisfy political gain through agricultural policy.  It is a major cause of poor health today both in the US and UK and nutritionally a disaster. 

The human body has a tremendous capacity to heal, given the right resources and it is my hope to provide my local community and beyond with the best range of natural and organic foods that I can. We have a great team on hand to advise and help you around the store and if you have not visited before, it might be worth adding a little extra time in your visit to have a really good look, you may find you need more than one bag!

Helping you to help your health,


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